The Value of Recognizing When It’s Time For A Change
What I Learned From Steve Young, Oprah Winfrey And Andy Grove?
When things are good, not many people will take the time to think about the danger of being overly successful. Most of the time people will act only when they have to or when it is too late.
An ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tse, had written about it in his classic Chinese text “Tao Te Ching” back in the late 4th century BC. In Chapter 9 of his book, he shared his wisdom on how to recognize and deal with overweening success. Here is the English translation by Dr. Lin YuTang in his book “The Wisdom of Lao Tse.”
To understand his philosophy of dealing with being overly successful, I took a look at how some of the most successful people have handled it when they recognized that it is time to make a change.

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