Social And Economic Impacts of Coronavirus: Fear of The Unknown

Wave Goodbye to handshakes during coronavirus emergency. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee bumps elbows with a worker at the seafood counter of the Uwajimaya Asian Food and Gift Market. Associated Press

Social And Economic Impacts of Coronavirus

Fear of The Unknown

As the coronavirus continued to spread around the world, there is a lot of uncertainty as to how and when the epidemic is going to end. However, it is already causing major disruptions to our daily lives: people are working from home, schools are closed, NBA suspended its season and the list goes on.
To make it worse, people are hoarding. In response to the run on certain items such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer, major retailers have imposed some purchase limits.
It is hard to predict how the coronavirus epidemic will end. To get a glimpse of what might be coming next, below are some of the economic and social impacts we are already seeing with the coronavirus outbreak. Read More...
