Should You Speak Up When It Comes To Performance Appraisal: Why You Should Not Be An Introvert

Source: empxtrack

Should You Speak Up When It Comes To Performance Appraisal

Why You Should Not Be An Introvert

I remember how it was for me when I was starting out. Always buried myself into my work and kept a low profile. This is why I was disheartened to see the question below on Reddit.

So I just started a new job, in a role/industry that really doesn’t fit me. I’m surrounded by big personalities and extroverts — (it’s been fascinating to watch them squirm after only 5 minutes of silence in the office). I’ve already had a performance review, and have been told to work on my ‘image’ in the office. Which I find highly insulting — by now I know the code well — I’m too quiet for them. I just like to get my head down and work, but apparently it’s not enough! How do you go about engaging more in meetings and calls? I do contribute, but not enough apparently — I’m not as quick at speaking in groups. I’m friendly, but don’t like meaningless conversations. I feel quite stumped how to change my personality, so I’m looking for a job elsewhere. I can’t see how I will have changed for the next review. Anyone else experiencing this? It’s miserable going in everyday, when not a single person is introverted or understands.

First of all, I’m not surprised. In Andy Grove’s book, “High Output Management”, he has a chapter on performance appraisal. And he asked his teams to review and analyzed the performance reviews they have received. Read More...
