Source: empxtrack
Here are the results from the analyses of performance reviews for rock stars and poor performers.
- Performance ratings were mostly very high for the achievers
- The reviews for the rock stars were well written and much better than the average reviews.
- Mostly focused on what the achievers had done well in the previous year.
- Very little on what the high performers have to do to improve their performance or even maintain the current level.
- But for poor performers, a lot more is focused on what the subordinate can do to improve performance and going into details on corrective action programs. Almost a disproportionate of time was spent on what marginal employees can do to meet the minimum standard.
As you can see managers tend to spend a lot more time on performance improvement for non-performers. And Andy does not think it is right either. In Andy’s words, “no matter how stellar a person’s performance level is, there is always room for improvement.” But this is human nature. Even if the person who asked the question on Reddit move to a different job, things might not change that much. Read More...
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