Any leadership position is transitory and likely to be short-lived.
No business is ever secure in its leadership position. No leadership position is more than a temporary advantage. Business tends to drift from leadership to mediocrity. It is the executive’s job to reverse the normal drift.
What exists is getting old.
What exists today is of necessity the product of yesterday. The business itself: its present resources, its efforts and their allocation, its organization as well as its products, its markets and its customers expresses necessarily decisions and actions taken in the past. No matter how wise, forward looking, or courageous the decisions and actions when first made, they will have been overtaken by events by the time they become normal behavior and the routine of a business.
Events never happen as anticipated; the future is always different. What exists is therefore always aging. Any human decision or action starts to get old the moment it has been made.
An executive’s job is not to impose yesterday’s normal on a changed today but to change the business, its behavior, its attitudes, its expectations as well as its products, its markets and its distribution channels to fit the new realities. Read More...
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