Step #1 Starts with a Credible Source
For any metrics to be meaningful and relevant, the source has to be credible — provides information about what is happening now. For open source projects, a good information source is GitHub. What is GitHub? It is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It is mostly used for computer code. Git lets anyone readily download a copy of their source code to their own machine, make changes, and then, whenever they felt like it, upload those changes back to the central repository. And it did this in a way that everyone’s change would merge seamlessly together.
Most of the open source world, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, and even Microsoft now house its code on GitHub. With more than 28 million registered users across the globe and over 85 million repositories on the platform, GitHub is now among the top 100 most popular sites worldwide and 49% of the Fortune 100 use GitHub Enterprise. The huge community of software developers on GitHub makes it an invaluable source of information for anyone doing market research for an open resource project. Read More...
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