Why The Most Populous State in The US Has Less Interest in Infrastructure?

 The Eastern States Care More About Infrastructure

It was a surprise to me that as the populous state in the United States, California is not on the list of top 5 states when I did a search on Google Trends. Instead, the eastern states like New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts top the list. California ranked #9. Please see Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Google Search on Infrastructure Topic: interest by state.

It is no surprise that the District of Columbia ranked #1 as all the lawmakers and lobbyists are focusing on the Infrastriucture Bill. But the fourth most populous state New York ranked #2. Why is that?

The state of New York has the older infrastructure versus the other populous states such as California, Texas, and Floria. People living in New York State are probably more concern about fixing the infrastructure than the other populous states.

The odd thing is with states like California and Texas, they are facing more problems due to the fast growing population. They should be more worry about infrastrucrure building to resolve problems like traffuc congestion and drought. Does it make sense? What do you think?
